Ram Janmabhoomi

Ram Janmabhoomi

Ram Janmabhoomi is a religiously and historically significant site located in Ayodhya, a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is widely believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama, a major deity in Hinduism and the central character of the epic Ramayana. The site has been the center of a long-standing religious and legal dispute due to its significance to both Hindus and Muslims.


Historical Background

  • Ancient History: According to Hindu tradition, Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya around 5000 years ago. The exact location of his birthplace is said to be the Ram Janmabhoomi site.
  • Medieval Period: In the 16th century, during the reign of the Mughal emperor Babur, a mosque known as the Babri Masjid was constructed at the site. According to some historical accounts, the mosque was built over an earlier temple that marked the birthplace of Lord Rama.
  • Contemporary Dispute: The dispute over the site began in the 19th century, with both Hindus and Muslims claiming the site as their own. Hindus believed it to be the birthplace of Lord Rama, while Muslims considered it a mosque.


Key Events

  • 1949: Idols of Lord Rama were placed inside the Babri Masjid, escalating the dispute.
  • 1984: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) launched a campaign to build a temple on the site.
  • 1992: The Babri Masjid was demolished by a large group of Hindu nationalists. This led to widespread communal violence across India.
  • 2002: The Archaeological Survey of India conducted an excavation at the site, which found evidence of an earlier temple-like structure beneath the mosque.
  • 2019 Supreme Court Verdict: The Indian Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment on November 9, 2019, ruling that the site should be handed over to a trust for the construction of a Hindu temple. The court also ordered that an alternate site be provided for the construction of a mosque.


Construction of Ram Temple

  • Temple Construction: Following the Supreme Court's verdict, the construction of a grand Ram temple began in August 2020.
  • Features: The temple is being built according to traditional Hindu architectural styles. It is designed to have three stories with intricate carvings and decorations, reflecting the cultural and spiritual heritage of the region.
  • Significance: The temple, once completed, is expected to become a major pilgrimage site for Hindus from around the world. It holds significant religious, cultural, and historical importance.



The Ram Janmabhoomi site in Ayodhya is a location of immense religious importance to millions of Hindus. The long-standing dispute over the site has been one of the most contentious issues in modern Indian history. With the Supreme Court's verdict and the ongoing construction of the temple, the situation has entered a new chapter, with hopes for peace and reconciliation between different communities in the region.

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